Guestbook EntriesHi Jan, Just drove down your namesake street yesterday , I was in West Plains for a Dr. appt. I just want to say I am glad you will be there in Sept and I will try and do my best to come and see you.If you ever find yourself in Eminence ( Im sure you know where that is):) come by and see us at Winfields Barbara Miller Eminence, Mo USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 13:21:02 (EDT) We really enjoyed seeing you yesterday at Dollywood. We really enjoy your music. Steve Woodfin Harvest, Al USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 09:20:34 (EDT) Hi Jan, I enjoyed your concert at Ponderosa Park yesterday, and it was really nice to meet you afterward. I enjoyed your web site, especially the great pictures. I have always liked seeing you on TV, and I'm glad that I finally got to meet you in person. God bless, Naomi Naomi Smith Meadville, PA USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 at 19:15:52 (EDT) Jan, Thank you for the great show at Ponderosa Park on the 25th of July. You really made my daughter Rebecca's day when you posed with her for that wonderful picture. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Clinton Young Lisbon, OH USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 at 23:13:31 (EDT) Just stopped by to say hello and and to say that you're not forgetten. Still your fan. Lee USA - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 23:57:03 (EDT) Jan, I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of yours, and all the "Grand Ladies" of country music. I always look for you to be on the Grand Ole Opry when I go. Traci Brownstown, IL USA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 at 18:39:56 (EDT) Thanks Jan & Ann for your recipe submission to the Tennessee Waltzing in the Kitchen cookbook that will be out in the near future!!! They look delicious!! Sharon Stewart Norfolk, VA USA - Monday, July 12, 2004 at 18:44:50 (EDT) I too met Jan at the (City Lights) show and I thought she was great! I work for Mel Tillis so I see alot of acts and let me tell you she's still "Got It".Thank you Jan for talking and spending time with me. Your fan always and God Bless! Matt Essick Highlandville, Mo USA - Wednesday, July 07, 2004 at 01:41:25 (EDT) Jan-- it was really great to see you at the "City Lights" Festival. What an awesome job you did on "Wind beneath my wings"!!. It was very nice of you to stop and chat with us in the lobby of the motel before leaving--thanks. Take cae and God bless. mary parsons seaford, de USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 18:41:08 (EDT) Hello Jan Its time to do another interview with on "Entertainment Lone Star USA" Great things to come for Orginal Country Music in Fort Worth, Texas. Give me a call when you get a chance. Frank Dell Country Legends Association Frank Dell Fort Worth, TX USA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 at 20:48:08 (EDT) Hi Jan---How about an updated letter on the website? Esther USA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 13:03:49 (EDT) i love the recipes and everything else, i love your music and enjoy your website... thank you connie connie carpenter phoenix, az USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 20:10:32 (EDT) Ms. Howard, I just wanted to say what a wonderful inspiration you are as so many other great artists. I have enjoyed "traditional" music all my life. (I am 23). I hope that you have a great day. God Bless. Amanda Mc. (Michigan) Amanda Allen Park, MI USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 12:30:20 (EDT) Hi, Jan this is my first visit to your website and I think it is great.Ihave a country fan for over forty years and I was lucky enough to see you and the other Ladies Of The Opry when you last visited U. K. Keep up the good work and best wishes for the future. Dave Clelland David Clelland Penicuik, Scotland U.K. - Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 12:05:41 (EDT) Are you going to have your recipes on this site Printer Friendly ? Robin Berkley, MA USA - Saturday, June 05, 2004 at 15:21:30 (EDT) Hi Jan Howard:What a nice web site.I have always enjoyed your music.You are a very lovely lady.God Bless. Jim Reynolds(Eng.)Custom Recording Studios (Mpls) Jim Reynolds USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 13:56:39 (EDT) Hi! I enjoyed hearing you sing at the Opry this past weekend. I saw you at Cracker Barrell following the show and thought what a great lady. I wish I had introduced myself to you! Cindy Payne Summerville, Ga USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 at 08:39:34 (EDT) I've so enjoyed your boxed set. Keep doing what you're doing! Phil Nashville, TN USA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 22:11:25 (EDT) hello ms. howard, how are you today, i will be attending your upcoming show at the Grand Ole Opry on May 1st with my DECA chapter. our national competition is held in Nashville this year and my chapter will be in attendance at the show. I know this is asking you a great deal, however i was wondering if there was a way you could acknowledge a very good friend of mine that night. her name is Megan Enderby. she has been there for me through some very personal times and never stops giving. she is a unique individual and always makes me feel like nothing can get me down. she is a bright, determined person with a gorgeous future in front of her. she will be turning eighteen years old while we are in competition that week and i would like to make her feel as special on her birthday as she makes me feel everyday. thank you for reading this message. i look forward to hearing from you soon. thank you and God bless, Rachel in Cheyenne Rachel Womack cheyenne, wy USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 at 10:52:55 (EDT) When will sunshine and Shadows be out on audio book ? Robin Berkley , MA USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 at 09:51:45 (EDT) Congratulations on 33 years as a member of the Opry!!! As usual, I'm late, but you know where I was. You were great, as usual this pass week-end. Judy Daigle Iota, La. USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 13:26:26 (EST) Hi,Hi Jan, Beautiful work! Love your style!! Great Website!!! Spectacular colors! wondering you would care to exchange art links? ARTOPP lists art contests, competitions, art scholarships & grants, juried exhibitions, art jobs & internships, call for e gallery calls, fellowships, art communities,for artists, art educators, curators and art students worldwide. Thanks Cat Wilcox Cat Wilcox vermont, USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 02:06:40 (EST) Jan, congratulations on your anniversary as a member of the Grand Ole Opry today. You must have become a member at 6 years old. Ed and Fran Anderson Penn Yan, NY USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 at 16:31:17 (EST) Hi Jan: I just finished reading your book "Sunshine and Shadow". I certainly enjoyed it. The book was published in 1987(?), but I just recently got a copy of it. Have you written any other books? Thank you for sharing your story, Linda Linda Mellen Fredericktown, OH USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 at 12:05:32 (EST) Good morning! Good site! Keep the faith! Much peace from Him! Much love! John Colbaugh John Colbaugh Lawrenceville, GA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 at 09:34:11 (EST) Hi Jan...I recorded the song you & Bill wrote dat was a hit for Connie Smith.."I Never Once Stopped Loving You"...that is a Beautiful song...hope you don't mind me doing it...plz drop by and visit my site,and sign my guestbook when you have da time...and also listen to dat song,and let me know wat you think...May God Bless...Take care,and have a wonderful day...hugs...Gwendella Gwendella Winchester, Ky USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 at 07:59:14 (EST) Ms. Howard, I would like for you to give Corky my e-mail address. He and I were best friends while we were in Vietnam, (I was with him when he found out about his brother being killed) He might remember me better by my nickname "TREE" (I'm 6 ft. 6 in) Once he got home, he sent me pictures of you and him. I'm now retired and living in Williston where my wife and I take care of my 91 year old mother, plus my wife works full time and is working on her batchlors degree. Please tell Corky I would like to visit with him. Thank You, Larry Larry Carpenter Williston, SC USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 at 19:12:32 (EST) Jan: I know you have my wedge. David Fields Nashville, TN USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 at 13:56:00 (EST) Dear Jan, I hope you have a very Happy Birthday, and get to spend it with your family and friends. To "celebrate" your birthday, I'm listening to your "Thru The Years" CD, right now, My favorite song, is of course, Ozark Mountain Jubiee. Please visit my "Salute to Bill Anderson" and sign the guestbook. ( Brad Yost Tazewell, VA USA - Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 22:46:46 (EST) Jan, Hope you are having a VERY SPECIAL BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Larry & Margaret Larry and Margaret Teague Springfield, Mo USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 14:28:39 (EST) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAN. WISH YOU MANY MORE! I LIKED YOUR NEWS LETTER. FOR SOMEONE WITH NOT MUCH TO SAY YOU SURE WROTE A LOT! ITS GOOD TO HEAR FROM THE 'OLDIES BUT GOODIES'. I AM A 49 YEAR OLD COUNTRY MUSIC FAN WHO ENJOYS ALL GOOD COUNTRY MUSIC. ONCE AGAIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY. RAY FRANKLIN Ray Franklin Alabaster, Al USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 12:04:38 (EST) Jan, Hope you have a very happy birthday, finally made it to 39 did you. Ed & Fran Anderson Ed and Fran Anderson Penn Yan, NY USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 10:10:31 (EST) i dey here ooooooo guys ok bakasi maga USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 08:13:59 (EST) Dear Jan - Happy Birthday! Just listened to your birthday special on Paul Bain's "Let There Be Country". Just to let you know my son and nephew are home and well. This time last year we were concerned re Iraq. I heard you say you are unable to respond to e-mails as you did in the past. Good luck with your golf game. Many happy returns in good health. Take care. Gary Gary Menchen Copake, NY USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 12:06:23 (EST) Jan, again, a very happy birthday and my congratulations on the 33rd Opry anniversary. Please keep singing; you're still good at it. Look forward to hearing you soon. Can't get the Opry broadcasts here any more; so guess I will have to come to Nashville again. Love, Jean Jean Wood River Forest, IL USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 11:29:13 (EST) jan we like seeing you on the grandoleopry so you sing good on here keep the good work up jan sarakegg newville, pa USA - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 13:46:49 (EST) Hi Jan!!! It's Kellee, Dawn's friend. I love your's awesome. You're such a caring, talented, beautiful person. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and I look forward to seeing you more ...maybe, just maybe, on the OPRY!!!! (hint, hint) :0) God Bless, Jan Kellee R. Gallatin, TN USA - Thursday, March 04, 2004 at 23:03:20 (EST) Jan, I have TV show on Sundays, Called the Health and Happiness Show. I met you in Kempton PA in the late 90's along with Jean Seely and Jean Shepard. We back stack, I had my buddy get some hot chocolate. I thank GOD for three wonderul folks, so down to earth. I heard your broadcast on Midnight Jamboree. Great show, I played cut of your album Pledge to the Flag. My listens went "WILD". I Remember RED doing that on TV, I'll never forget that. Keep up the great work. P.S. My new web site will be STATIONWTAP.COM will effect sometime in April, will be streaming Video. GOD BLESS Jeffrey Tapler Zionsville, PA USA - Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 02:23:18 (EST) Hi Jan! I'm a huge fan or yours and Jeannie Seely! You two are the best! If you're going to be back at Dollywood this season, i'm definately going to come see you! I was going to last year but i couldn't find the time! I did see Jeannie though! I got to meet her and i hope to meet you at Dollywood this season! See you at Dollywood, hopefully!Luv Ya! Tabetha Thorn Hill, TN USA - Saturday, February 28, 2004 at 12:47:34 (EST) i have listen to you & bill anderson for 30 yr. i find your song are just as straight forward & honest as any ive ever heard.its because of you, jean shepar & all the rest ill always be a die hard classic country fan.please keep up the good work.a true fan ethel martin. ethel martin greenville, il USA - Friday, February 27, 2004 at 04:14:25 (EST) great site mgbada brucemugu london, uk USA - Friday, February 06, 2004 at 15:55:51 (EST) Jan, what an honor to have you on our show. You're a trememdous lady and so full of energy, fun and spirit. You're a joy to be around and you give everyone an up-lifting feeling. Your voice is like a canary and your outlook on life is just as bright. Thanks again for a wonderful performance and getting to know you and becoming a friend. Carroll and Beth Parham Stephenville, TX USA - Monday, February 02, 2004 at 12:27:30 (EST) Jan, It was wonderful seeing you Jan. 30 at KCUB in Stepenville, Texas. After all the year's since I've seen you, your still a great and beautiful woman. I hope it won't be such a long time before our trail's cross again. Give my best regards to all my old friend's in Nashville. Johnny Seay Johnny Seay Glen Rose, TX USA - Sunday, February 01, 2004 at 22:42:36 (EST) Jan I seen you and seely,Shepherd at Dollywood and I really enjoyed it. I had a wonderful time. When are you all coming back? I live fairly close . I try to keep up with you all so I want miss you.Keep your wonderful personality. Reva Reva J. Keller Walland, Tn. USA - Sunday, January 25, 2004 at 21:56:01 (EST) Awesome job Saturday night on the Opry with "Bad Seed"!!! Please sing it more often along with "Hondo". Look forward to hearing you more on the Opry!! Phil Nashville, TN USA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 at 23:28:56 (EST) Jan, I just love you! I've met you several times, though I'm sure you don't remember. I'm a friend of Hank Locklin's and I absolutley LOVE the duet you duet you did with him called "Anna" on his latest CD. This past October, I was so blessed to able to record with him myself. Don't ever let it be said that the younger generation doesn't appreciate country music's past. I'm 27 and I adore all of you artists from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. You are such a classy, pretty lady and I hope you continue to entertain for many years to come! Your fan, Joe Rucker Joe Rucker Nashville, TN USA - Friday, January 23, 2004 at 11:39:44 (EST) doesshe have a fanclub yet letmeknow soonoksara sarakegg newville, pa USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 20:23:28 (EST) It looks like Redd Stewart & Pee Wee King were right when you went on stage with them early in your career & they said you'd be a pro Jan, you turned out to be one! Thanks so much for visiting our site & for your beautiful music! Please visit us often! Sharon Stewart Sharon Stewart Norfolk, VA USA - Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 05:46:38 (EST) Great site you have here! We would love for you to visit our newly launched tribute site to Redd Stewart: A site launched in memory of Redd (writer of Tennessee Waltz, You Belong To Me, Slow Poke, Bonaparte's Retreat, and many more!) Please sign our guest book so we know you stopped by! Sharon Stewart Norfolk, VA USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 at 13:38:38 (EST) One night in early 70's June Carter told me...take good care of my friend Jan...and John added his "don't mess this up" nod. So glad to have met you. Tom J Tom Miller Mtn View, AR USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 10:29:32 (EST) Howdy Jan. A couple of questions for you,or anyone reading this.What was the last song that was sung at the Ryman and the first one sung at opryland USA? Who made the statements?I've had some tough acts to follow in my career, but this is unreal. I wouldn't wish a spot like this on a dry cleaner. ___ _____,singer,following Nixon's, enthusiastically appearance. I've heard some artists say "Well, the new house is not the opry". But to me, the opry is the people, not the brick and stone. ____ _____ on the move from the Ryman auditorium to opryland USA. Fill in the blanks. Jan you are still a beautiful, sweet, charing, lady, that all other strive to be.. Your life long fan. Bobby Fl USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 at 15:26:15 (EST) Just stopping in to wish each and everyone a wonderful and safe New Year - Jan, I hope you are over the crud and back to enjoying each and everyday! Have a great one and hope to see you back at DW this Spring and Summer. Love, Ann Ann Sevierville, TN USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 at 08:23:14 (EST) Jan, I really enjoyed hearing you on the Midnight Jamboree a few weeks back. I was so happy that you had Bobby Bare on the show. I always enjoyed seeing you and Bill Anderson in concert. Would like to see you start touring together again, the shows were so good. Pearl Pearl Cook Lancaster, Oh. USA - Saturday, December 20, 2003 at 15:05:07 (EST) Great to see you caroling at the Country Music Hall of Fame on Tuesday with AFTRA. You put everyone in the Christmas spirit! Sandy Nashville, TN USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 17:20:29 (EST) Hi, Jan: This is Brad, I hope you will check out my Salute to a guy thats a great friend of mine, and yours, Bill Anderson. Heres the link to it: I was wondering if you'd PLEASE drop by, and sign my guestbook ? Thanks alot, and I hope to see ya at my Salute to Bill, I've added a link to your site, on my page, I hope you like it. Jan, My best wishes to you, always, "Still" for Bill, Sincerely, Brad. Brad Yost Tazewell, VA USA - Thursday, December 04, 2003 at 10:53:22 (EST) Jan - due to modern technology I was able to record the Jamboree this past Saturday night - and what a great show it was - only thing I wish I had been able to be there but this was better than missing it totally. Keep up the great shows and I am looking forward to your return to Dollywood. Ann Sevierville, TN USA - Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at 15:51:35 (EST) Jan: It was truly a pleasure to meet you Thanksgiving weekend. We enjoyed both of your shows...the Grand Ole Opry and Ernest Tub Record Club. I hope to see you again soon! Sarah Clay Key West, FL USA - Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at 09:39:08 (EST) Just checking out your web page. I was not aware you had one till Joe and Berneice informed me. Have a great day. Troy & Cindy Cindy McClure Dover, TN USA - Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 21:46:52 (EST) I've noticed that Del Reeves and Jeanne Pruett haven't been on the Opry in what has seemed like several years. Why is that? I thought Del always was very entertaining with his fun songs and impressions, and Jeanne always had a nice song like "Satin Sheets" or "Temporarily Yours." Jason Hebron, OH USA - Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 08:15:02 (EST) So good to have the guestbook back up!!!! And Jan, again THANK YOU for my wonderful memories you have giving me this pass Oct. at Dollywood. For anyone who is a Jan Howard fan, if you have never seen her in person, you must make a trip, no matter where to see her...I sat through eight shows at Dollywood, and she was great and wonderful each and everytime. She is the most gracious, and compationate person I know. So, is this great Lady, has a chance to be back at Dollywood next season, please go out and see her, and the wonderful COUNTRY STATE OF MIND cast, you want regret it!!!! Again, Thank You, Jan!!! Judy Daigle Iota, La USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 22:28:00 (EST) Thank you Jan for the memories. I shall cherish that day in April of 03 until the day that I die. Love you. Bobby Bobby Gable Milton, Fl. USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 19:40:57 (EST) Glad to see this is working again. cat USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 14:19:18 (EST) Hi Jan - Caught your act at Dollywood and enjoyed it so much. Came up after the show and spoke with you and purchased one of your CDs which I have played several times. Thanks for being so gracious and not running from fans. I enjoyed meeting you and hope that you keep performing . My favorite song that I have heard you sing is" I'd Rather Be Sorry" by Kristofferson-Price. Maybe you'll do it on the Opry soon. Tom Tom Oakes <[email protected]> Coinjock, N.C. USA - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 11:08:36 (EDT) Jan, been meaning to post to let others know what a great addition you are to the show at Dollywood - I didn't get to come as much as I wanted but really enjoyed the time I was there and getting to spend some time with you. If anyone is close enough you are missing a golden opportunity to see and meet Jan when she is at Dollywood. She will be returning in September and October - check her dates on here on go to the Dollywood site. The show is definitely worth seeing if nothing more than to see what REAL country is all about!!! Too bad the powers that be running the Opry have no clue 90% of the time. Ann <[email protected]> Sevierville, TN USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 12:23:52 (EDT) Thank you for the beautiful autographed photo of you that you sent me. Gorgeous outfit. Ed Anderson <[email protected]> Penn Yan, NY USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 at 10:23:32 (EDT) Jan, Enjoyed seeing you at the Circle Club Brunch, we miss you and Jean Shepard in Branson. Margaret Teague <[email protected]> Springfield, Moq USA - Monday, July 21, 2003 at 20:19:29 (EDT) Hi, Jan: This is Brad, I hope you will check out my Salute to a guy thats a great friend of mine, and yours, Bill Anderson. Heres the link to it: I was wondering if you'd PLEASE drop by, and sign my guestbook, Please pass this note along to your friend, Ron Harman, also. Thanks alot, and I hope to see ya at my Salute to Bill, I've added a link to your site, on my page, I hope you like it. Jan, My best wishes to you, always, "Still" for Bill, Sincerely, Brad Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Saturday, July 19, 2003 at 08:43:13 (EDT) Thank you Jan for being such a wonderful entertainer, and more important a fantastic person. I have enjoyed your music for a number of years. You are not getting older, but, definitely better each year. God Bless You & God Bless America. Bernice Morgese <[email protected]> St. Lucie West, Fla USA - Friday, July 18, 2003 at 21:32:59 (EDT) Hi Jan, Just wanted to to you that you are one of the greatest singers in Country Music. I always enjoy hearing you on the Opry. Keep up the the great work of singing the great country music. Take Care!!!! Your Fan Always, Tyler Tyler Bolen <[email protected]> Warsaw, Ohio USA - Thursday, July 17, 2003 at 19:17:28 (EDT) I wanted to let you know how much I really enjoy seeing you perform at Dollywood. This was my first time seeing you on stage. I'am glad that I got to meet you in person. I hope I see you again sometime soon! May God Bless You! Love,Terri Terri Mason <[email protected]> Dacula, GA USA - Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 00:21:48 (EDT) WOW! You shur have a lot of FANS! Guess I'm one of em. First heard of you in Viet Nam, through your song "What Makes A Man Wonder." It got me through the war; thank you. Saw you once at Great Adventure Theme Park in NJ. You was with J.R. Cash & family. I sorta hoped you'd sing my favorite song, but no luck; so I bought the record. Keep singing, stay healthy, and enjoy life. One more FAN, Roger Roger Wilson <[email protected]> Neptune, NJ USA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 at 21:53:09 (EDT) God bless you Jan. I've been keeping up with your music for awhile, especially since meeting you at the Louise Mandrell Theater in 2002. You have those pretty brown eyes, and I have posted an excellent photo of the two of us together there (at my website). I'd like to have more time to visit, possibly we'll get together again, I'll be in Pigeon Forge July 18-20 at Showplace Dinner Theater each night. You are truly an inspiration, a classy lady, and it was an honor meeting you. My music ministry reaches around the world , and I am based in Toledo Ohio and Pigeon Forge Tennessee. Visit me anytime at Andrew Dean - Black Hat Productions <[email protected]> Toledo, OH USA - Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 13:07:44 (EDT) Hey Jan: I just wanted to let you (and everyone else) know about a new webpage I did on the Internet. It's a Salute to my good friend, and yours, Bill Anderson. I hope you drop by and check it out. Jan, would you please sign my guestbook, I put a link to your site on my page. I hope you like it. My best wishes, and "Still" for Bill, Brad. Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Tuesday, July 01, 2003 at 06:06:43 (EDT) It was so great talking to you the other night. it had been too long. Will be in touch soon and will try to bring Mom your way for a little visit. love, Bobby Robert (Bobby) Lyle Jr. <[email protected]> dalas, tx USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 at 14:25:40 (EDT) Ms Jan: Just a note to say, GREAT JOB on the web site, you and Ron do a super job keeping your fans updated! Thanks for your music and advice, but I am most thankful for your Friendship! Love Ya... Bill G. Bill G. <[email protected]> Nashville, TN USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 at 22:58:01 (EDT) CHECK YOUR E-MAIL WE MISSED YOU @ CITY LIGHTS FESTVAL!!!! HOPE YOUR FEELING BETTER .TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. ANN & RICHARD THOMPSON <[email protected]> MACON, GA USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 at 23:35:57 (EDT) Hi JAN, JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I DID GET THE SONG I WISH I WAS A SINGLE GIRL AGAIN THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!!! DELORES HILL <[email protected]> New Brighton, MN USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 21:20:30 (EDT) Attended the Golden Voice Awards last week. Was glad to see you receive the award because you really deserve it! It was really a nice thing that you did, giving the award to Goldie because you thought she deserved it more. That was something that I've never seen anyone do before. The GV awards shows are always so good. I have been to all of them & you sat at our table during the first one. Also saw you at Leona Williams' show. The duet with Justin Trevino was great, what a real COUNTRY singer he is! Congradulations on your 32nd Opry anniversery, you truly are one of the "Grand Ladies" of the Opry. Bill Franklin, OH USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 18:40:40 (EDT) Jan, Without a doubt, you are one of the greatest vocalists in classic country music!! You have always given us great songs, and have kept the heart in country music. The Hall of Fame needs to stop overlooking you, and some other great artists who have helped make country music great!! God bless and keep you. You have fans here in Missouri! Bob Robinson Bob Robinson <[email protected]> NEWBURG, MO USA - Monday, June 09, 2003 at 08:13:36 (EDT) One of the best websites that I have ever visited Jan. Keep up the good work. John at Hillbilly Central. John at Hillbilly Central Metropolis, Il USA - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 06:41:40 (EDT) Congratulations are in inorder for Jan Howard's 2003 Female Vocalist Golden Voice Award. It is a well deserved, long overdue achievement. Congratulations, Jan! YOU GO GIRL! Ralph Harkey <[email protected]> Denver, NC USA - Thursday, June 05, 2003 at 20:52:16 (EDT) Jan,wanted to let you know I am "looking" at your website. I especially enjoy the pictures. I noticed you have changed them a bit. Keep up the good work. I will check back from time to time to see the changes. See ya soon! Marilyn Smith <[email protected]> Middletown, Oh USA - Monday, June 02, 2003 at 20:46:26 (EDT) Looking forward to seeing you at the Golden Voice Awards. Thanks for your messages....from time to time. Don Don Thomas <[email protected]> The Woodlands, TX USA - Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 12:40:53 (EDT) I was delighted to see you on the Opry this past Saturday night. You looked beautiful and very patriotic in your red, white, and blue and sounded great, as usual. I see you will be in Ashland, KY next month. Could you tell me what venue? My family and I are looking forward to attending. Best wishes and God bless! Fans in Southern Ohio <[email protected]> USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 12:11:00 (EDT) Keep up this great resource. best greetings. Private Krankenversicherung Europe - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 13:48:45 (EDT) many blessings to you. I share many of the same sentiments felt here.just love all your songs.yankee go home is special to me. and 'for loving you' ive tried these recipes and it all turned out well. Would like more information about: Colored Eggs (Movie) Synopsis: A Southern comedy in which an eccentric group of idealists find love under less than ideal circumstances. is it available at all? where does one go to find it? at a truck stop? oh yeah, bourbon....'aint never gonna have 'taters agin without it. so much to cram into a little box. luvs ya No one you've heard of <[email protected]> USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 11:50:35 (EDT) Hope that your day was filled with love, sunshine, and happyness. Happy MOTHER DAY. You get your rest tonight so you'll be ready for tomorrow. Take care and God bless. Bobby Bobby <[email protected]> Milton, Fl USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 at 22:21:40 (EDT) Hello Jan, It's been Great finally visiting your site! You have lots of stuff here, only being 38 but love country music!! I've been a fan of your's for a while now. Thanks for sharing with us! Mitch Mitch T. <[email protected]> Carencro, Louisiana USA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 at 06:00:11 (EDT) nette seite hans USA - Friday, May 09, 2003 at 04:34:49 (EDT) Thanh you Jan for having lunch with me and my family of the 15th.of April of this year.I'm amazed that someone of your class and stature would make/take time out of your busy schudle for me. You are a very bright and shining light for other artists to follow. May God always bless you in every thing that you under take and do. Love you sister. Bobby,Carol& Gable Bobby Gable <[email protected]> Milton, Fl. USA - Wednesday, May 07, 2003 at 12:06:52 (EDT) God bless you and your work! --PEACE! -- -- Sharon <[email protected]> Nashville, TN USA - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 12:02:38 (EDT) For all of Jan's fan's, please go to and vote for her for female artist. Several other awards to vote for. Thanks Judy Daigle <[email protected]> Iota, La. USA - Friday, May 02, 2003 at 18:09:27 (EDT) Thank you for the wonderful website and information aquarium fish poisson USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 13:22:53 (EDT) top page jan USA - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 04:09:58 (EDT) Congratulations to Anita & Travis - I'm sure it was a beautiful wedding, and I know you're proud! Take good care and hope you're enjoying your "leisure time" - ha!! Love, Joanne Joanne Melbourne, Fl USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 at 16:11:05 (EDT) you are a great singer relly love your songs and really enjoy listing to them. i listen to them on bill macks show and other on xm satalite radio. keep up the great work. you are the best William Davison <[email protected]> albany, OR USA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 13:05:44 (EDT) Hi Jan Howard,I was visiting Bill Anderson's site and they mentioned that you are celebrating your 32nd.anniversary on The Grand Ole Opry and I would like to congratulate you,that is wonderful.All my best to you. Patricia Pope <[email protected]> Montreal, Canada USA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 23:28:07 (EDT) Great Website UK Credit Cards <none> USA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 22:01:36 (EDT) Can't believe it's been 32 years for you at the Grand Old Opry - I wish you all the best and a big congratulations. Joanne Melbourne, Fl USA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 at 19:08:00 (EST) Hi Jan, Congratulations on your 32nd year with the Grand Ole Opry. I met you at Bill Anderson's Fan Club party last year. Bill sang "Happy Birthday" to my six year old grand-daughter. I have always appreciated the class you always give to country music and many of your classic songs are my favorites. Keep singing them wonderful traditional country music songs, Jan. We will be listening. Carole Rayson <[email protected]> Paradise Valley, AB Canada - Friday, March 28, 2003 at 15:20:50 (EST) Jan, I have been thinking about you so much with the war braking out & Jimmy's death. I cry every time I read your book & it is often. My son was in the Navy. I don't know what I would have done had he not come back alive!!! Congratulations on 32 years! We love the Opry! Ruth Goss <[email protected]> Midland, MI USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 at 22:10:40 (EST) Can't seem to get the aol e-mail to work; so will try this to wish you congratulations on your 32nd year as an Opry member. That is a record of which you can be proud. Hope that all well. Jean Jean Wood <[email protected]> River Forest, IL USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 at 11:00:50 (EST) Hey Jan: This is Brad, I just wanted to wish you a "Happy 32nd OPRY Anniversary" I hope you have a great day. I am still enjoying you CD, and reading your book. Thanks for being there for your fans. My best wishes to you. Sincerely, Brad. PLEASE REPLY Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 at 07:59:39 (EST) Dear Jan, Congradulations on your 32nd. anniversary as a member of the Opry ! May you have many many more great years. When the legends like you are on the Opry , thats when the "Grand" comes to mind. Best wishes . Susan Munro [email protected] Susan Munro <[email protected]> Jeddo, Mi USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 22:02:15 (EST) J.B. You and Bill was wonderful on the opry Saturday night. I stayed up late just to hear you. You won't belive the memories it brough back. Take care my new found friend, hope to see you the third week in April. Bobby (your secrect admirer) Bobby G. USA - Monday, March 24, 2003 at 18:57:25 (EST) Howdy Yall ! Any Connie Smith fans out here ? She's prettier than a turnip green and more country than corn bread. Paticia Phillips Cookeville, TN USA - Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 12:43:04 (EST) Jan you did a great job on saturday night. That has to be a hard song for you to do - but it becomes more important everyday. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Ann Sevierville, TN USA - Monday, March 17, 2003 at 11:12:51 (EST) i have always wanted to say this thank you for the music.the duets with bill anderson and wynn stewart were fantastic.when are all your old lps going to be released on cd? paul riley england - Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 20:57:09 (EST) Hope you had the best birthday ever! Celebrate all weekend. You deserve it. Jeff Sartell, MN USA - Friday, March 14, 2003 at 22:22:38 (EST) Happy Birthday, Jan. Love, Esther Esther <[email protected]> AL USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 19:50:34 (EST) Happy Birthday Miss Jan and many, many happy returns. Hope you're having a great day. God Bless--Ginger Ginger USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 15:01:16 (EST) Jan, Happy Birthday to one of the greatest female country singers of all time! Hope your day is special. Opry Fans in Florida Tampa, FL USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 13:59:48 (EST) Jan, Happy Birthday, I learned of yor web-site from Paul Bain of "Let There Be Country" W-FDU FM 89.1 in Teaneck NJ. Paul is a good friend. He calls me Gary "Up a Pole" from my telephone repairman days. You were my fathers favorite and I have some of your old 33rpm albums from him. Paul played "MY Son" today and I just lost it thiking about my own son and my nephew in the Persian Gulf area. I didn't mean to bring back old memories but I just had to say hello and thanks for your great music. Take care, Gary Gary Menchen <[email protected]> Hawthorne, NY USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 12:51:29 (EST) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAN!!! From Your Many Fans Around The World USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 10:22:48 (EST) HAVE ALWAYS ENJOYED YOUR SINGING-KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK-YOU ARE TRUE COUNTRY!!THANK YOU- SANDY& HOLTMAN <[email protected]> NASHVILLE, TN USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 22:36:15 (EST) Sun. March 9, 03 Jana, Enjoyed browsing your web site. Loved the new pictures. What a great evening Sat. night. How proud you must be of your beautiful family. Celabrating your grandaughter, Anita and Travi's engagement. LaLa Jeannie Bare Jeannie Bare USA - Sunday, March 09, 2003 at 23:26:05 (EST) Haven't heard from you on e-mail for some time so I will try this. Glad that your trips to Norway and Florida evidently went well. Perhaps it will get warm enough for golf soon. I was in Puyallup, Washington last weekend; did not even need a coat. Back here in Chicago, it's still cold, and we have a heavy snow warning out for tonight. I'm ready for spring; believe most people are also. Congratlate Anita on her up-coming marriage. Last time I saw her, she was still in high school. Please stay in touch. I understand that you want to take some time off, but don't forget the fans. We still love you and want to hear more of you. Jean Jean Wood <[email protected]> River Forest, IL USA - Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 13:35:53 (EST) HI JAN JUST WANT TO SAY I LOVE YOUR BOX SET AND ALSO THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL SO SPECIAL YOUR A GREAT LADY LOVE DELORES DELORES HILL <[email protected]> NEW BRIGHTON, MN USA - Monday, March 03, 2003 at 01:27:17 (EST) Hi Jan, Reading Mr. Corbins post was interesting as I and several friends have often thought the same thing. Sadly the Opry isn't "Grand" anymore. I wish the traditional artists could get together and bring back the real Grand Ole Opry because you people MADE the Opry Grand and so many true Opry fans are missing you all. You people are real country music, the Opry that is playing today, for the most part, are showcasing no-talent people that don't know the first thing about country music . Most nights, I'm sad to say, I turn the Opry off. Susan Munro <[email protected]> Jeddo, Mi USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 at 23:27:26 (EST) Hello, Jan: Been a fan of your singing for years. I am a former editor of MUSIC CITY NEWS (1966-67), AND wrote a book on country music: STORM OVER NASHVILLE (A Case Against Modern Country Music). Just had a fan from Sweden visit in my home yesterday, and he posed the same question I have: "Why can't some of our traditional country music singers band together and BUY WSM and the Grande Ole Opry--and keep it COUNTRY?" ...AND I add: save a GREAT tradition. By the way, I am promoting the new Vernon Oxford CD: THE OXFORD TOUCH, and a new one with 20 of my own songs; IF KISSES COULD COPIES available upon request... Everett J. Corbin <[email protected]> Murfreesboro, Tenn USA - Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 21:26:35 (EST) Hi Jan, After your concert today here in Bradenton, couldn't wait to play your CD, in the car on the way home, Great. Thank you so very much for talking with me, I felt honored you mentioned my name. Hope you enjoyed your time @ the Tampa Fair. Sincerely, Anita.. [email protected] Anita Hosier <[email protected]> Bradenton, Fl USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 21:49:12 (EST) It was so nice to meet Jan in Kristiansand, Norway, when she visited our country a week ago. "For Loving You" has always been a favorite of mine as well as her greatest hit "Evil on Your Mind". On stage she also sang "Wind Beneath My Wings" - a song which will be a new favorite of mine. Many, many thanks, Jan, for visiting our country in the cold winter time. To meet you and hear your voice again gave me "a warm feeling on a cold winter day". All the Best Svein Svein Sorlie <[email protected]> KOPERVIK, Norway - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 14:16:48 (EST) Hi Aunt Jan, Just wanted to say hello since we have not spoken since my my dad has passed away. I hope all is well!! I got married this past April and i have bought my first home on the beach, me and my wife are expecting our first child in june, its a boy (mason). well if you ever want to talk my number is 714-717-0596 and i was wondering how Uncle Bob is doing. Toby Johnson <[email protected]> Huntington Beach, ca USA - Monday, February 03, 2003 at 16:19:28 (EST) I read your book several years ago, and yet even today, it inspires me when I get a weak moment. Denny Hoffman <> Fort Wayne, IN USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 23:36:15 (EST) Greetings from Huston, TX. My name is Lisa. Let me thank you for such an informative site. I used it to compose cliff notes and free essays for my class. Your site is indeed a wonderful source for all my future term papers and research papers. free essays - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 19:40:55 (EST) Hello, If you are a fan of country music, WSM 650, and the Opry as we know it, then please sign the petition below. Please also help us to circulate this petition to as many people and websites as you can. Several great people including Kyle Cantrell, Johnny 'K', and Matthew Gillian, have been fired from WSM. The sense is that this is just the start of personnel and programing changes at WSM. These changes could ultimately lead to major changes in WSM and to the Grand Ole Opry. This is serious again, folks. We need to fight this like we fought with the original Save WSM petition. If we don't keep fighting, were going to lose this battle, and possibly the Grand Ole Opry itself. Thanks in advance for your support. The petition only takes seconds to sign. You can sign it annonomously as well. GO TEAM!!! -Brad Yost Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 12:22:52 (EST) this is such an awesome website Jan.... Pauline <[email protected]> chelmsford, canada - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 21:23:29 (EST) Hello, A new petition has been created that has a more visible comment section. We feel that the comments are an important part of getting our message across. Please sign the petition below even if you signed the other one. Thank you, Monica Monica <[email protected]> Newark, CA USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 03:05:37 (EST) Hey Anunt Jan How have you been? I'm sitting here in class so i figured i would look you up on the web. And here you are. Your Everywhere!LOL! Hope to tlak to you soon.Love you-Jana Nicole Jana Nicole Drumright <[email protected]> West Plains, Mo USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:50:37 (EST) Hello Jan, right now it is 22 degrees out here in upstate NY. We would sure liked to have left on that cruise today with Bill and Jean Brown and the rest of Bill's fans along with the other Opry stars and fans, but need to hit the lottery to do it. Ed & Fran Anderson <[email protected]> Penn Yan, NY USA - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 19:16:41 (EST) I HAVE ALWAYS ENJOYED LISTENING TO YOU SING. I AM GLAD TO KNOW THAT YOU AND YOURS ARE DOING WELL. I HOPE 2003 WILL BE A GOOD YEAR FOR YOU . DIANNE COATS <[email protected]> WEST PLAINS, MO USA - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 15:44:26 (EST) I hope 2003 holds wonderful things for you and for those you love. Esther <[email protected]> AL USA - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 17:16:54 (EST) Jan as a 74 year old who has heard all the great women singers, I think you are the greatest and I also think you have been overlooked when theawards were passed out...Keep up the good work...E. Odom Eldon Odom <[email protected]> Baird, Tx USA - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 15:06:50 (EST) Jan, I just found your website as I was doing some research for my Faron Young biography. I'm glad to see it, and I'll add it as a link on my web page. I'll send you an e-mail with my new address. Diane Diekman <[email protected]> Washington, DC USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 20:50:01 (EST) Thank you for sharing the photos. I really enjoyed looking at all of them. Myra Handsaker <[email protected]> USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 13:13:32 (EST) I enjoyed the pictures! Thanks Cathie Donlon Louisville, Ky USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 11:21:39 (EST) Jan, Your message for December is just terrific. It is nice to know that someone as talented and famous is also such a genuine person. By the way, I loved the Midnight Jamboree when you were on; especially "Too Many Teardrops Too Late" with Jean Shepard. I wish you, Jean, and Jeannie would do a show in Ohio sometime. Take care. Carol Ball <[email protected]> Athens, OH USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 01:16:55 (EST) Dear Jan Thank you for making this Christmas one that I will never forget. Your gift came the day after Christmas. I will keep it dear to my heart. I love you sister. Bobby Bobby Gable <[email protected]> Milton , FlDear USA - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 23:35:12 (EST) This is a wonderful site, and sorry it's taken me so long to send a note. You are, have been, and always will be the greatest. I'm honored with our friendship through the years. Your CD box set is a must have for all!!!! Love & God bless. Joanne Melbourne, Fl USA - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 13:12:19 (EST) Hello Jan: Brad here. The CD is wonderful, as you probably know, "Ozark Mountain Jubilee" is my favorite, I listened to it about 5 times after I opened it. (now that I can) Good book too. Thanks for autographing them for me, I hope to had a wonderful Christmas, and spent time with your family, I had a great one. Thanks for everything. All my best to you. Brad. PLEASE REPLY........ Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 09:59:40 (EST) Hey Jan: Brad here. It was great to see you on the OPRY with Bill last night. Great song, and great outfit too. Are you ready for Christmas? I sure am, as I mentioned before, your book and CD is under my tree, waiting for Wednesday morning. Thanks again for the autographs, and Merry Christmas to you, I hope you have a good one. Please reply. Best wishes, Brad. Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 12:07:53 (EST) Hello Jan: This is Brad, I received your book and CD, both autographed!!! It's under my Christmas tree waiting to be opened, and I can't wait. Roxane Russell, please email me about the autograph, I've changed my email address to: [email protected]. Jan, Thanks again, and Merry Christmas to you. Best wishes, Brad Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 15:49:46 (EST) Happy Holidays! Esther <[email protected]> USA - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 17:24:02 (EST) Hi I am Jan Howard too. Sent you an email just to say Hi. Bye. Jan Howard Jan Howard <[email protected]> Stockbridge, ga USA - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 14:59:36 (EST) Thank you Jan for your faith and strength in Our Heavenly Father. You are a remarkable lady and I admire you. I visited the Opry in October and had the pleasure of seeing you on stage. Sincere Best Wishes for a Joyous Christmas-Andy Andy Bowden <[email protected]> Lloydminster, Alta Canada - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 00:46:21 (EST) SORRY, I HAD THE WRONG TITLE OF YOUR BOOK. IT IS SUNSHNIE AND SHADOW AND NOT ROSES. BUT I REALL ENJOYED IT GLENDA COLWELL <[email protected]> CACHE, OK USA - Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 08:58:51 (EST) Just wanted to say Hello to my favorite country singer. You are the best! Love, Esther Esther <[email protected]> Gadsden, AL USA - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 21:34:09 (EST) NICE SITE GOLF BREAKS/PRODUCTS USA - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 04:54:35 (EST) Just stopped by to say hi!! I enjoyed meeting you at Joe McClure's picnic in October. I loved listening to you and Willie sing. Phyllis Gurney USA - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 23:00:14 (EST) Jan, to one of my all time country music favorites! Love your music, and style! Would love to see you in concert, and get the chance to talk to you!! Thank you for staying country. Bob Robinson <[email protected]> Newburg,, Mo. USA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 17:15:32 (EST) Jan,I love your website! Classy,just like you. I've heard so many good things about your book, I'm sending my order today. Happy Holidays to you, dear friend. Gail Gail Steagall <[email protected]> Fort Worth, TX USA - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 13:55:03 (EST) Happy Thanksgiving Jan!Hope you are spending it with family and friends.Looking forward to hearing you on the Opry this weekend.I am thankful for you!Love and God bless,Calvin. Calvin Horsley <[email protected]> Portsmouth, Va USA - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 10:44:08 (EST) This is a test to make sure the dates are showing up. Earl Neal <[email protected]> Mt. Juliet, TN USA - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 23:31:38 (EST) JAN, I VISITED BRANSON,MO LAST YEAR THE NIGHT THAT JEAN SHEPHERD WAS ON. SHE WAS SELLING YOUR BOOK SUNSHINE AND ROSES. I BOUGHT THE BOOK AND THOROUGHLY ENJOYED READING IT. I AM LOOKING FORWARD FOR ANOTHER BOOK. GLENDA COLWELL,CACHE, OK. GLENDA COLWELL <[email protected]> CACHE, OK USA - Hey Jan: Brad again, I was just reading through the guestbook, and noticed a post by Roxane Russell, she did a WONDERFUL job as well, and It's good to hear from her again. ROXANE, when you read this, PLEASE email me. I would like an autographed picture of you, for my "OPRY" collection. Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Hello Jan: This is Brad, you did a FANTASTIC job hosting the Midnite Jamboree, You singing with Jean Shepard was great. Whoever "coined" the phrase "Grand Ladies of the Grand Ole Opry" --really knew what they were talking about. Thanks for being loyal to your fans, and I'm looking forward to receiving your book, and "Through the Years" CD that I ordered for Christmas. Also, Happy Thanksgiving to you, and I hope to talk to you before then, but if I don't, "Merry Christmas" to you. Have a great day. You are a true "Legend" in every sense of the word. God Bless you. Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Jan, even though I sent a personal e-mail to you, I want to sign the guestbook as well. You did a great job hosting the Midnight Jamboree; I'm glad that I came even though it was a fast trip from Chicago on Saturday and back home on Sunday. You are a "class act" who deserves more recognition than you have been getting. Hope that you will get a chance to record again. Love, Jean Jean Wood <[email protected]> Chicago, IL USA - What a wonderful site. Enjoyed you on the Midnight Jamboree this past Saturday night/Sunday morning, November 17. You are the Mary Tyler Moore of country music!!!! Richard L. White <[email protected]> Hendersonville, TN USA - Jan, great website! Your box set is great! I have really enjoyed listening to it over and over again. Thanks for everything you do. Sharon Sharon Shipp <[email protected]> Nashville, TN USA - Jan you are truly one of the greatest stars of the opry, keep up the good work, take care John John W Young <[email protected]> Gallatin, Tn. USA - Jan, as always, you do everything first class! This is a wonderful website for your fans which I am proud to be amongst the throngs. (I'm checking out Shadpoke's website next....he might have something interesting to say about his Aunt Jan!) Roxane Russell TN USA - We really enjoyed your website. We wrote the address down when KNEL disc jockey Tracy Pitcox was talking about your site after playing "The One You Slip Around With" and then "For Loving You" with Bill Anderson. We always enjoy your songs and really enjoyed your website. Thanks for the memories. Margaret Jennings <[email protected]> Mason, Tx USA - Jan, Your website, like your music, is unequalled and top notch outstanding. Any song you have ever done, for instance, "White Christmas" on the Opry, in my book becomes YOUR song! Best, Rodger Skibin Rodger Skibin <[email protected]> Bay City, MI USA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 15:24:17 (EST) emjoyed your website listening to tracy pitcox and he mentioned it. we love you here in brady maxine bradford <[email protected]> texas, tx USA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 00:04:13 (EST) Hello Jan, I really enjoyed visiting your web site. I truly think that You, Jeannie Seely and Margo should make a CD together! I think You all are first class Ladies, that do a wonderful job, and I my self are proud to say i love your music! You keep singing and we will keep listening! God Blessed the three of you with beautiful voices, like Angel's from Heaven! For that i'm truly thankful. I hope one day I get to meet you in person, but if not here on earth, i'll meet you in Heaven. God Bless, A Fan in Alabama Boots Minchew <[email protected]> Malcolm, Al USA - Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 11:35:31 (EST) From the Publix Guy. I enjoyed getting to know you yesterday while playing golf. You are a class act and it was a privilege to spend time with you. David Fulmer David Fulmer <[email protected]> Franklin, Tn USA - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 22:45:16 (EST) Jan Howard is one of the most talented ladies in Country Music. She is definitely a "class" act and I am honored to call her a friend. I, like thousands of others, would like to hear more of her on radio, television and the Grand Ole Opry. Tracy Pitcox <[email protected]> Brady, Tx USA - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 14:58:47 (EST) HEY JAN !!! PLAYED BASS GUITAR WITH THE HAMMOND BROS.BEHIND YOU WHICH SEEMS TO BE A LIFETIME AGO. MISS THE OLD DAYS! YOUR MY KIND OF PEOPLE AS THE SONG SUGGESTED.GLAD TO RUN ACROSS YOUR WEBSITE AND GOD BLESS !! AL KARSNER <[email protected]> CICERO, ILL USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 02:51:47 (EST) Hi Jan, My sister and I drove to tennessee last week and attended the friday night opry. We were so happy when we saw you were going to perform, you sounded great and we sure enjoyed your performance! It was a good show, its always wonderful to see the great legends. I guess if we wnat to see the legends we will have to attend the Opry in person, we sure don't get to see you people on the T.V. segment much. I turned the Opry off tonight, with the exception of Steve Wariner, he always does a good show, there was nothing worth watching. Hope you have a great holiday season! Stay well. Susan Munro <[email protected]> Jeddo, Mi USA - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 21:34:12 (EST) HI JAN, JUST A NOTE TO LET YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE ENJOY TALKING WITH YOU AT THE LAST 2 CITY LIGHTS FESTIVALS IN COMMERCE.WE HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOUR MUSIC,BUT AFTER TALKING WITH YOU WE LOVE YOU EVEN MORE.LOOK FORWARD TO NEXT YEAR. ANN AND RICHARD rRICHARD/ANN THOMPSON <[email protected]> MACON, GA USA - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 22:58:29 (EST) Jan did a wonderful show this past Sat. night at Country Steel Connection @ Renfro Valley, Ky. She was great on stage tellins stories and jokes and singing all those xlassic songs. Allen Branscum <[email protected]> somerset, ky USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 11:55:04 (EST) You can find "My Son" on Jans box set - this is definately a must have for all Jan Howard fans and supporters. Sure hope you check it out - you will definately not be sorry. Ann Ann <[email protected]> Sevierville, TN USA - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 09:39:15 (EDT) We've been trying hard to find your song "My Son" with no success. My dad heard it back in the late 60's and just wanted to let you know it's been a treasured song ever since... Harold & John <[email protected]> Algoma, WI USA - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 22:39:47 (EDT) Does anyone else out there agree with my mommy that Jan should be used more on the Opry. She, my aunt Jeannie, and Jean Shepard appeared together - and it was a fantastic show, Opry should have them all together - bet crowd would love it and maybe bosses would too. Oh well what does a dog know - but my mom knows!! Princeton <[email protected]> Sevierville, TN USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:28:24 (EDT) one of the best singers i ever heard rosemary c meikle brooklyn, ny USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 16:51:20 (EDT) There is a petition online to support the Opry Legends and Traditional Country Music. the URL is : I think this petition should be signed by anyone who loves the Opry Legends like Eddy Arnold,Kitty Wells, Bill Anderson, Loretta Lynn,Porter Wagoner,Ray Price,George Jones,Jan Howard,Jeannie Seely, and ALL of the Legends Of The Opry who want to keep seeing and hearing more of them on the Grand Ole Opry. Instead of Gaylord Entertainment trying to push the legends aside for more rock & pop so called country music on the Opry. Please pass this URL to anyone that loves the Grand Ole Opry and the Opry Legends and Traditional Country Music. Judy USA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 16:56:30 (EDT) Thanks for the years of great listening I'll not say how many but it is close to a half century. I have so enjoyed hearing you on the Bill Mack show lately. Thanks again James Lawton <[email protected]> Boxholm, IA USA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 01:25:30 (EDT) Hey Jan: This is Brad. I just wanted to thank you again for autographing the picture of you & Bill that I sent. Also, I wanted to give some publicity to one of your good friends, and you webmaster, Ron Harman. He sent me a Grand Ole Opry poster, celebrating Jeannie Seely's 35th OPRY anniversary. THANKS RON. Jan, Thanks again, and my best wishes to you always Brad Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell, VA USA - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 21:10:57 (EDT) Thankyou Jan for your wonderfull music. with respect Debra debra <[email protected]> England - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 05:12:35 (EDT) DEAR MS. JAN: JUST WANTED TO SAY "THANK YOU" FOR ALL YOU DONE FOR THE NASHVILLE VFW AND ANNUAL BIKE RUN. I AM SO GLAD TO FINALLY HAVE GOTTEN TO MEET YOU IN PERSON. YOU ARE A VERY GRAND LADY AND ON BEHALF OF ME AND "GRADY NATIONS & THE G-FORCE BAND" WE "THANK YOU" FOR GIVING US THE CHANCE AND OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE OUR TALENTS WITH YOU AND ALL THE VETERANS WHO ATTENDED THE BIKE RUN AND BARBECUE. I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AGAIN SOON. "THANKS AGAIN" Diane Harris <[email protected]> Antioch, Tn USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 22:25:00 (EDT) I have been looking a song that you did in the late 60's you did for your son, I am a Vietnam Vet. I can not find this song anyhere it name is "MY SON" Thanks Ray Ray Roper <[email protected]> Acworth, Ga USA - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 18:10:05 (EDT) Keep the good work. God bless you. Salwa Chaarani <[email protected]> Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 23:27:00 (EDT) You and your two fellow "Grand Ladies" put on a terrific show at Dollywood on Saturday. It was fantastic. Esther <[email protected]> Rainbow City, AL USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 13:43:42 (EDT) I most certainly enjoyed the Grand Ladies performance on Sept 7th at DollyWood! This is truly one of the best concerts I have EVER seen. I was brought to tears when you sang "Wind Beneath My Wings" for your son. I think the Grand Ladies should take their fantastic show on the road! I know fans all over the world want to see this show! Chris <[email protected]> Morristown, TN USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 00:56:50 (EDT) This is for all of you that might think true country artists are no longer appreciated - had the shear joy and pleasure of seeing 3 of the best in concert on 9-7 and Dollywood. Each of the artists performing were fantastic, but they also surely complimented each other when singing together. The Grand Ladies - at least 3 of them, Jan Howard, Jeannie Seely and Jean Shepard - sure made me proud to be a legends and traditional country supporter! I surely saw 3 of the best!!!! Thanks Jan for coming - it was great - only wish we had had more time - maybe next time! Love ya!! Ann <[email protected]> Sevierville, TN USA - Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 11:37:32 (EDT) Love your music Mildred Metcalfe <[email protected]> Mississauga, ON Canada - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 13:17:37 (EDT) Dear Jan: Just seen your show at the Dover Fireman's Carnival on Wednesday, Sept. 4th. Last year we caught your show at York Expo Center. Both shows were fabulous. We really love you, My husband & I both. I'm just so sorry the DJ's do not play more of the older singers songs on the radios. New country just doesn't cut it when your and Old country opry fan. You are so sweet and nice to everyone. We look forward to seeing you again and I hope you keep coming back to our area of PA. May God Bless and keep you safe whereever you may go. Thank you so much for being Jan Howard. Esther Williams <[email protected]> York Haven, Pa USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 22:43:36 (EDT) I just finished listening to "Through the Years With Jan Howard" and I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am that you put together that 4-CD set. It was filled with old favorites and several that I hadn't heard before but that were also wonderful. Great job! It's a valued addition to my collection of great country music. James Moody <[email protected]> Burleson, TX USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 20:02:49 (EDT) JAN....I HAVE A HABIT OF TAPING ALL MY FAVORITE COUNTRY STARS...I ALWAYS MAKE A POINT TO LISTEN TO YOU, MAINLY BECAUSE OF THE WAY YOU SING AND HOW YOU ALWAYS MENTION THAT RAY PRICE IS ONE OF YOUR IDOLS....EVERY NOW AND THEN YOU START OFF WITH A SONG OF HIS AND YOU DO A VERY GOOD JOB OF IT.I'VE BEEN A FAN OF HIS EVERY SINCE I WAS A LITTLE KID WHEN MY AUNT OWNED A BAR/RESTURANT/HOTEL UP IN TABERNASH COLORADO..AND SHE USED TO ALWAYS PLAY "CRAZY ARMS" & "RELESE ME" ON HER JUKEBOX...AND AS I GOT OLDER I SORT OF DRIFTED AWAY FROM THAT TYPE OF MUSIC AND GOT INTO "ROCK n ROLL"..THEN AROUND THE MIDDLE SIXY'S I STARTED LISTENING TO CONTEMPORARY MUSIC ON THE RADIO, AND AT ONE TIME I HEARD SOME GUY SING "DANNY BOY" & "ACROSS THE WILD MISSOURI", AND BEFORE I KNEW WHO HE WAS A FRIEND OF MINE TURNED TO ANOTHER STATION...A FEW YEARS PASSED AND I WAS LISTENING TO A COUNTRY STATION AND I HEARD SOME GUY SING "YOU WOULDNT KNOW LOVE",AND WHEN IT WAS OVER THE ANNOUNCER SAID IT WAS RAY PRICE...NOW I SAID TO MYSELF "THAT CAN'T BE THE SAME ONE"..SO I WENT OVER TO MY AUNT'S HOUSE AND ASKED HER IF SHE WAS STILL A RAY PRICE FAN,SHE TOLD ME SHE STILL WAS AND SHOWED ME SOME OF HER ALBUMS SHE HAD ONE OF THEM WAS HIS DANNY BOY ALBUM,SHE TOLD ME TO TAKE SOME OF THE ALBUMS HOME AND LISTEN TO THEN....AND THEN I BECAME A RAY PRICE FAN ALL OVER AGAIN ...JUST THE WAY HE CHANGED HIS VOICE AND STYLE IS WHAT I'M MOST IMPRESSED BY...AND THEN A FEW MONTHS LATER I HEARD HIM SING "FOR THE GOOD TIMES"...THAT PUT THE ICING ON THE CAKE....I NOW OWN EVERY ONE OF HIS ALBUMS HE MADE.....P.S. JAN WHEN I WAS GOING THROUGH MY AUNT'S ALBUMS, SHE QUITE A FEW OF YOURS TO....BARNEY BARNEY KAUTZMAN <[email protected]> denver, colo USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 14:00:53 (EDT) Past Christmas,best friend,Ann Allen, gave me your autographed box set,THRU THE YEARS WITH JAN HOWARD,best gift I ever received in my 59 yrs,- the music is greatest collection I every heard- all 4 discs are awesome but disc #3 has everyone of my most favorite songs. Point- recently while critically ill in *Intensive Care Unit- was allowed to have a boom box in my room- wanted to let you and the world know how much joy it gave me to listen to your music- Had disc #3 in my C.D. case, and played it many times every day- amazing the young nurses who had never heard of you would come into my room to do their charting when your music was being played. So many thanks- LaWanda Raymond LaWanda Raymond <[email protected]> Homosassa,, Florida USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 23:49:39 (EDT) hi jan, looking forward to seeing your show this wednesday in dover, pa best of luck dale kitzmiller <[email protected]> your, pa USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 00:54:20 (EDT) I love your website! Thank you a thousand times over for some of the best memories of my life on our Gigtour, Spring 2001. You are one Lady in a million. Hope our paths cross again soon. Marcia Benton <[email protected]> Alachua, Fl USA - Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 23:17:50 (EDT) Loved your show in Hayward Wisconsin last year! Next time you're up we can play some golf! Pat MN USA - Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 13:06:32 (EDT) Just wanted to say "THANK YOU" for everything you have done and taking the time to come out and hang with us at the show. Looking forward to Saturday, August 24th with "Grady Nations & The G-Force Band" and finally getting to meet you in person. The Nashville VFW Benefit and Barbecue will be a great time for all. See you then. Diane Harris <[email protected]> Antioch, Tn USA - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 18:00:24 (EDT) Just wanted to say I have enjoyed your music for a long time, and can remember mine and my moms favorite of yours "Love Is Like An Ever Spinning Wheel" plus "New York City Songs". You are one fine entertainer and talented lady. Larry Jackson <[email protected]> Nashville, Tn USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 15:57:47 (EDT) I love your Singing and I myself am a songwriter. Feel free to listen to my work and Donna Frost and CJ.Rielly do alot of my work. You are one of the Greats. God Bless you! Melanie Marie Ridner <[email protected]> Hamilton, Ohio USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 09:04:35 (EDT) Jan,I really enjoy the boxed set.It's really great to hear your hits(solo and duets) on CD's.Hope to hear some new music from you soon.Keep up the good work. Greg Union, KY USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 14:41:42 (EDT) Have visited the site many times and now I'm finally taking time to sign the guestbook. The website is just great and Jan you are a fantastic singer and such a dedicated person to your fans. I'm still working on getting you those pictures I promised you, I've been having some computer trouble and I have the pictures saved on it. As soon as I can get them printed out I'll put them in the mail. Take care! Nicholas D. Minor <[email protected]> Stafford, VA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 03:37:35 (EDT) Hi Jan, I'm a fan from Michigan. Wish we would see more of you and the rest of the Grand Ladies more often on the opry. This new crop of singers are pretty good, but they can't hold a candle you guys. Susan Munro <[email protected]> Jeddo, Mi USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 20:21:59 (EDT) Hi, Thanks for keeping county music country Randy J. Elwood <[email protected]> Brownsville, Oh. USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 01:19:18 (EDT) hi my name is beth ann greenwell am in the special olympecs i never get to hear from no one at all ok i never get to go to concters ever ok i never had a singer for a special friend ever ok i wont to be special friends with you ok pleasy send me one of your cds from you ok singed by you ok my birthday is june 18 this year ok i would love to hear from you ok love beth ann greenwell beth ann greenwell <mark greenwell @> louisville, ky USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 16:34:58 (EDT) Hi Jan. Just wanted to say. I love your songs and I listen to you every Friday and Saturday nite on the Opry. Bertha, a long time country music fan. Bertha Scnmitt <[email protected] or [email protected]> Muskegon, MI USA - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 23:10:19 (EDT) Jan: When will you be on Opry Live again? I wish Pete Fisher would let you perform "Wind Beneath My Wings." No one does it as good as you! Carol Ball <[email protected]> Guysville, OH USA - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 21:50:27 (EDT) You have a great site here. You are truly one of my favorites. jim myrick <[email protected]> meridian, mississippi USA - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 23:00:45 (EDT) Hi Jan, I'm so glad to see your website. The boxset is truly wonderful. We all miss seeing you and the "Friends" club. We really had fun. I hope you will consider doing a new know we will all buy it. You are such a class act. Love to you, Mike Gregory Mike Gregory <[email protected]> Penhook, VA USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 14:02:38 (EDT) Dear Ms. Jan Howard -- what a pleasant dinner with you this evening at Fort Campbell. You are an inspring woman -- and it was my wife's an my HONOR to enjoy the evening with you. We are very much looking forward to Nashville this weekend -- and visiting with my friend of 2 weeks ago, Jeannie Seely. Thanks again -- and we'll see you on Saturday. Fondly, Mike and Brenda Linnington COL Mike Linnington <[email protected]> Ft Campbell, KY USA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 22:33:22 (EDT) Hi J an sorry i havent sent you the rest of those old books yet but since i talked to you at the Don Ellis dinner in april ive hardly had time to sit down. I will send them soon. Theres a good one from the opry years ago and theres even a book with your picture in it. I know you dont remember me , im the guy that walked you to your car at Brentwood CC. Warm Regards DaveCaley Dave Caley <David R [email protected]> kokomo, in USA - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 14:29:42 (EDT) THANK YOU FOR THE LETTER YOU SENT ME. I WILL BE ANSWERING YOU SOON AND WRITTING YOU A LETTER. CARL PALMER TOPEKA, KS USA - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 11:40:16 (EDT) Dear Jan It was a pleasure meeting you at the Opry. Your new CD box set is the tops. Hope that Marlene and I can make another trip to Tennessee and have the pleasure of meeting you again. Love to see you come back and play in the has been far too many years since you were last here. Best wishes Graham Graham Lees <[email protected]> Manchester, England - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 19:56:36 (EDT) Hi Jan, I received your fax and you're welcome! Enjoy your music and book. God Bless.. Virgie Warren Virgie Warren/Bluebird Country <[email protected]> Flushing, MI USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 18:32:08 (EDT) Jan, Hi I had the pleasure to meet you on July 24th at the Clarksville TN.I'm sorry to say your name was not familar to me. But when I met you and saw that you were just one of us i was so impressed i look through your photo album through the years. I got to know you a little through your album again you impressed me My heart goes out to a woman who has lost the people who are so very important in your life. God gives you nothing he does"nt think a person can handle> You my friend, show that you have to go on living for others. And listening to your music as i write you tells me god gave you the gift to be a comfort to others when they feel sorrow in their lives. THANK YOU JAN Robin Rinehart V.F.W.POST 11160 Clarksville, TN. Robin Rinehart <[email protected]> clarksville, TN USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 17:04:09 (EDT) Your website is great! Seely shared it with me. My new house will never be ready for company,,I have no cake, no coconut pie, but I will make you some real tea...I know my neighbor serves you "instant" UGH! Love, Michele Michele Voan Nashville, Tn USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 17:21:19 (EDT) Dear Jan., Just want to say, I finished reading your book on Monday, July 8th, not knowing that my husband would be entering "Emergency" at our local hospital, the next day. Had it not been for your inspiration, would I have held up through it all. You are one fine, wonderful, courgeous woman & a blessing to all of us. I can't say enough for that WONDERFUL book. It was so good seeing you at "City Lights", watching you play golf, etc. I hope our paths cross again soon. God Bless. Suzanne Wright <[email protected]> Okemos, MI USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 17:43:09 (EDT) miss howard--it was really nice to see you at the dinner at the "city lights festival". your performance of "wind beneath my wings" was awesome. i had a blast for the entire festival. i look to forward to seeing you again on the concert trail mary parsons <[email protected]> seaford, de USA - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 20:57:50 (EDT) Dear Jan Howard, You have a great website. Can't wait to see you again in concert and talk to you again. Are you going to play in Taylorville, IL again? Just wanted to say hi and talk to you soon. A fan, Sandi Scurlock Sandi Scurlock <[email protected]> Licking, Mo USA - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 13:36:50 (EDT) Hi Jan, Did a Google search for Jan Howard and found your website. I'm really glad you're doing well and still singing. I hadn't heard anything from you for years and years. The last song I heard was "Dallas" There's a place in Nashville Indiana called the "Little Opry", if you could be booked there I could go see your show. God Bless and Peace to you...Margaret Margaret <[email protected]> Bloomington, IN USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 11:27:45 (EDT) Jan I hope you the best of luck always. Looking forward hereing you on the opry this coming weekend. I didn't where you was going to be on there Friday evening but on Saturday evening I think it shows you being on at 8:30pm. Take care and God Bless You Always. Randy Cowden <[email protected]> Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 21:00:32 (EDT) Hi, Jan! Haven't heard from you for awhile. Glad that you're enjoying summer. Peach ice cream sounds wonderful! Wish you lived closer. From your schedule, it looks like you will not be in Nashville for the Opry Birthday Party; is that correct? I am thinking of coming down for that, but if the "legends" are not going to be there, I may not try to make the trip. Please let me hear from you on the e-mail when you get time. Being a speaker at Rotary should be fun; that is a great organization. I had relatives who were involved with the organization. We, too, have had some hot weather, but nothing as severe as Arizona and Idaho. I don't like extreme cold and snow and ice, but 90's are not easy to take either. Glad you are doing well. Love you! Jean Wood Jean Wood <[email protected]> Chicago, IL - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:43:55 (EDT) Hello, Darlin'! I love your website, and loved reading the comments from loyal fans (I count myself chief among them). Thanks for keeping it "REAL" on the Opry, and for being not only a great friend but a dang good partner in a golf scramble! I was truly honored to be at the debut of your film, "Colored Eggs". (Better get your Oscar speech ready.) You and Seely together are scene-stealers, and a force to be reckoned with...but I think you already knew that, huh? See you on The Row or at the Opry. Love and blessings; Steve Pippin (President, Screen Actors Guild, Nashville, TN) Steve Pippin <[email protected]> Nashville, TN USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 14:45:26 (EDT) Hey Jan: This is Brad. Thanks for the picture. I'l be looking forward to adding it to my collection. The website is wonderful!!!!!!. Have a great day, and Thanks again. Brad Yost <[email protected]> Tazewell , VA USA - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 13:17:47 (EDT) I tremendously enjoyed my tour of your website. It is as impressive as you are. I appreciate you taking the time from your busy schedule to speak to our Rotary Club and look forward to our future golfing. Chuck Parker <[email protected]> Nashville, TN USA - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 19:53:34 (EDT) I have finally checked your website...its're should go into show business! By the way, what do you do? Just kidding! Thanks for the plug and thanks for the kind words about me..Shadpoke says hello, Cheyenne doesn't know what to say(she's blonde) and Hamilton the cat doesn't care one way of the other..come see us! jeannie seely USA - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 13:27:14 (EDT) Jan Howard is truly a living legend. She has been my favorite singer for many years and I have been blessed to know her also as my friend.Jan, may you continue to reign on the Opry for many years!!!! Calvin Horsley <[email protected]> Portsmouth, Va USA . - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 22:00:29 (EDT) Hi Jan, I owe you a letter but found your website that you said would be up and running soon, yea....... Hope all is going well for you, think of you often. My love, Ellen in Wenatchee, Wa....... Ellen Park <[email protected]> Wenatchee, Wa USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 19:46:19 (EDT) Jan I really like your singing. Have you recorded I Think I Will Go Somewhere And Cry Myself To Sleep. I really liked the way you did that on the opry. Randy Cowden <[email protected]> Bloomington, In USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 13:44:28 (EDT) Hello Jan, You are in my book one of the greatest female country singers. You are in my favorite group along with, Kitty Wells, Jean Shepard, Loretta Lynn and Margo Smith, there will never be female country singers like you five. Thanks for the songs. Your fan Earl Earl Kronk <[email protected]> DeSoto, MO USA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 12:09:45 (EDT) JAN YOU WERE GREAT SAT. NITE ON THE MIDNITE JAM. KEEP UP ALL THE GREAT WORK YOU DO. JUDY Judy Daigle <[email protected]> Iota, La. USA - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 11:28:51 (EDT) you are a treasure and so is jeannie c. riley darlene a you sawicki <[email protected]> east rutherford, NJ United States - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 18:19:43 (EDT) First I say you are an awesome LADY, second an awesome entertainer. Jeannette Davis <[email protected]> Nashville, TN USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 13:34:54 (EDT) I can't wait until Saturday night when Miss Jan Howard hosts the Midnite Jamboree. I know it's going to be a great show!! I hope all of ya'll can make it, but if you can't as always you can turn on to 650 WSM. Take care Jonathan Jonathan Curry <[email protected]> Shelbyville, TN USA - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 01:37:37 (EDT) Loved Jan's singing since I first went to Nashville in 1975 and seen her on the Opry. Got to know Jan when she was working with Tammy Wynette through Sue Richards. Always enjoy seeing Jan here and there last time I seen her was when Leona Williams had her as a guest on Ernest Tubb's Midnight Jamboree. Enjoyed her show in Branson also. A fan and friend Donna F. Campbell Donna F. Campbell <[email protected]> Town Creek, Al USA - Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 04:07:11 (EDT) Jan, I hope your golf game with the commander general was a hit. Let me know how you did. Your golf instructor, Nancy Q Nancy Quarcelino <[email protected]> Franklin, TN USA - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 23:03:43 (EDT) "Hi, Jan I saw your Web Site on Ernest Tubb's related links and thought I would check out your fine Web Site. My friend Cal Smith has invited me to be part of the two hour tribute to E.T September 7th on the Midnite Jamboree when we get back from Praireville Old Fashon Farm Days in Delton, Michigan. Last time I played there You and Bill Anderson were there and if you remember, it was so hot, I thought poor Bill was going to pass out. I hope it is cooler this year. "Ha Ha" May be Cal and I won't have to sweat this time. May be I will get to see you September 7th. I always enjoy seeing my Grand Ole Opry friends. Take care..... Tugboat Jerry Tugboat Jerry <[email protected]> Patterson, La USA - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 23:12:46 (EDT) Great Website for a classy lady and friend. Mike Thrasher <[email protected]> Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 13:18:46 (EDT) Hi Again Jan. I am a friend of Ron's and I was telling him today that I saw you last night on Channel 5 News singing at Fan Fair. It wasn't a long spot, but it was a spot. He thought you'd be glad to hear that. Love ya gal. Pat. Pat Lester <[email protected]> Nashville, Tn USA - Friday, June 14, 2002 at 14:54:32 (EDT) Hi Jan, Just wanted to let you know I signed the book and thanks for the email you sent me. Your truly one of the "Grand Ladies Of The Opry" in every respect. I hope in the near future we will be able to meet again. Take care, love ya & God bless. Sincerely, Troy Leong Troy Leong <[email protected]> Stratford, CT USA - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 21:03:11 (EDT) I love your music. I am 16 and I'm always glad to hear you on the Opry. Believe me they need you,Ernie Ashworth, and others on there more. Some of those younger talents aren't worth a dime. I go to the Opry to hear good ole Country music and Bluegrass. I don't go to see some country wanna bes. When I go to the Opry I want to see singers like Jan Howard,Charlie Louvin,Billy Walker,Jean Sheaprd,Bill Carlisle,Jeannie Seely,Jimmy Dickens, and younger ones like Billy Yates,Elizabeth Cook, Brad Paisley, and Daryle Singletary. I know they have to have younger ones on to keep the Opry going for another 76 years, but when there's the ones that gave up countless weekends so the Opry would survive I want to see them on. There's plenty of young folks that love and are getting into Jan's music and all the other greats. It's sad that when you turn on a country radio station(besides 650 WSM) you can't hear Jan Howard,Stonewall Jackson,George Jones,Charlie Louvin,Ernie Ashworth,Jean Shepard,etc. Maybe that will all change when these dumbos that are over the stations wake up. Take care Jonathan Curry Jonathan Curry <[email protected]> Shelbyville, TN USA - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 01:25:16 (EDT) It was such a treat meeting you today at the CG Golf Tournament! Your strength is certainly to be admired! I feel so very privileged to have been given a glimpse into your world. Already, you've touched my heart! WHAT A WONDERFUL WEBSITE! I look forward to seeing and speaking with you again...soon! May God continue to bless you! Lisa Jackson <[email protected]> Fort Campbell, KY USA - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 00:14:44 (EDT) Hi Jan. I have been a fan of yours for nearly 25 years. Your song "Memories for Sale" is a true classic. Keep up the good work. By the way, I love your hair. It is just beautiful. Carol Ball <[email protected]> Guysville, OH USA - Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 21:40:49 (EDT) Ms. Howard, it was a great honor to speak with you on the phone today (Thursday, June 6th) while you were in Mr. Gregory's office. I've been a fan of yours for many years. I appreciated your wonderful stories and information about Jim Reeves, whose original pilot's license I just purchased from Mr. Gregory. I look forward to seeing you at the Opry soon. David Mills <[email protected]> Huntington, WV USA - Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 19:03:56 (EDT) I enjoyed meeting you after your concert in Ottawa, Kansas. What a great show and thanks for the autograph. Nelson Orwig <[email protected]> Lawrence,, Ks USA - Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 20:25:21 (EDT) I love the perfomance and the GREAT songs and the wonderful stories that you was in on the tapes of the series of Country's Family-Reunion!!! they are so good that I watch them over & over and never tire of them. Don't ever give up perfoming for many years yet as I think you are ONE of the GREATEST An old (72) and still working truck driver Lee Lee McCormick <[email protected]> Burligton, Iowa USA - Monday, June 03, 2002 at 13:10:53 (EDT) Keep up the great work Jan!!!! Joey Traughber <[email protected]> Kokomo, IN USA - Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 13:33:49 (EDT) Just a few words to tell you how much I enjoy hearing you sing when you are on the Opry. When you and Bill sing some of your duets together that addsto it' I wiah he would have those duets put on a CD. Maybe someday he will. I was fortunate enough to find them. But a CD would be much nicer. I wasable to listen to your interview with Eddie Stubbsand agreed with you about the appearance of many ofthe new country muaic when they are on the programsI think it show lack of respect for the audience and the music too. Well anyway, I enjoy the traditional country songand the people who sing them. I grew up in themusic world and can't remember a time without. Sokeep on doing it. Bertha Schmitt <[email protected]> Muskegon, Mi USA - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 12:14:47 (EDT) Hey Jan, the new photos are GREAT!!!!! Evertime I visit your site, there's something new. Keep up the good work Jan. Judy Dagle <[email protected]> Iota, La USA - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 23:59:09 (EDT) A great website Jan - isn't this fun!! I visited every nook and corner and read it all. I truly enjoyed your bio....good job there. You have always been and I know you will always be a "classy lady." I love your box set, have listened to it many times. I'm so glad you came out with this as when I listened for the first time, it brought back memories I had forgotten. With all you've lived through, Jan, you are truly an "amazing" one. I love you and look forward to seeing you in June. Jean Brown Coloma, MI USA - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 21:26:03 (EDT) You are a wonder and a delight.I admire you as a lady,love as a friend,Carl Smith loves you too. Goldie Hill Smith <[email protected]> Franklin, Tn USA - Friday, May 24, 2002 at 23:14:44 (EDT) Hi Jan, I was just wordering where I could get the poem "Aging". If you could e-mail me and let me know. Thanks Jessie Brittain <[email protected]> Vale, Nc USA - Friday, May 24, 2002 at 21:50:20 (EDT) Hi Jan, Ron Harmon is also a good friend of mine! You may remember attending an acting class with me a few years back with Alan Dysert. It was a fun class and a pleasure to meet you then,,, Always a fan,,, Keith Youngster Keith Youngster <[email protected]> Goodlettsville, TN USA - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 11:50:16 (EDT) Great web site. Great subject..... Farrell <[email protected]> Clarksville, tn USA - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 11:44:36 (EDT) Your philosophies are fabulous. To have a friend like Ron Harman is a very special gift. He's tops! You're tops! Birds of a feather. Miss Jan, you're just now hitting your stride! Pat Lester <[email protected]> Nashville, TN USA - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 16:09:35 (EDT) I loved the website. Your sayings are very fitting for life. (Ron e-mailed the website, and I am truly glad he did!)Karalee Karalee <[email protected]> Powell, WY USA - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 09:41:13 (EDT) I just purchased a set of the Country Reunion tapes, and through these tapes I feel like I've gotten to "know" you. I met you at Fan Fair a number of years ago and my wife and I have always enjoyed you at the Opry. You're a wonderful entertainer and a fine person. Wally Wilk <[email protected]> Itasca, IL USA - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 17:07:41 (EDT) Jan, Always enjoy watching you perform. Keep up the great work! Your site is great. (You and Jeannie have the best web sites, but I'm a little partial since Ron is my brother.) Keep up the great work! Fondly, Roxie Roxie Johnson <[email protected]> Tionesta , PA USA - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 16:40:30 (EDT) I finally was able to get the website back up on my computer. It looks great. Be sure to keep your "On the Go" list up to date. Perhaps you will be up in Chicago yet!I am still looking forward to your appearing on the Opry Live some Saturday night. Love you! Jean Wood Jean Wood <[email protected]> river forest, il USA - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 14:31:49 (EDT) Love your website. Love your music. Esther USA - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 12:53:20 (EDT) Jan. The joy your music has brought to my life cannot be expressed in words. The box set is absolutely fabulous, a real classy collection from a real classy lady. Jeff Sartell, MN USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 22:34:23 (EDT) Jan, I enjoyed seeing you and Bill Anderson sing Dissatisfied at the Grand Ole Opry in March. You always do a great job!!!!!!! Krista USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 18:04:24 (EDT) I have enjoyed your site and can only wish you the best in the future. Robert W. Rodgers <[email protected]> Goodlettsville, TN USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 10:09:26 (EDT) Jan, I'm so glad that everything is up and running on the website. It's great. Jeannie and Jean both have great website's too. You three are the best. I was recently in Nashville and bought your boxset. I was thrilled with all the great songs and pictures. You weren't on the Opry show that I attended that weekend so I was very sorry to have missed you but I'm hoping to attend the birthday celebration in October. I hope to see you there. I feel so at home when I visit the Opry. You all seem to be like one big family and I feel as though I'm a part of that family when I'm there. Thanks so much for all the great entertainment. God bless you. Ginger Ginger <[email protected]> Proctorville, OH USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 10:00:16 (EDT) Jan, Glad to see the web site is up and running with a guestbook - I know it has been a long time coming!! I enjoy your time on the Opry, and I appreciate the fact we have new artists on it all the time - BUT I still think the powers that be make a mistake by having only new ones on TV portion - I know CMT controls that - but there are many fans that simply turn in to hear the LEGENDS - Don't know what it will take to convince them - WE AIN'T DEAD!!! Oh well I feel blessed to have gotten to see you in March and am looking forward to September - and possibly somewhere in between. The petition is still growing so who knows Dollywood might really get smart! A second book sounds good to me - Take care and I will keep in touch. Jeannies web page is great, too, thanks to RON they are finally both up and running!! Love ya!! Ann <[email protected]> Sevierville, TN USA - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 08:33:33 (EDT) Jan, Your website is great! Glad you finally have everthing up and running. Seely's site is also great. Visit it all the time. Good you please post Jean Shepards address. Can't seem to find it. Hope to see you soon. Keep up the good work. The boxset is fantastic!!!!!!!! Judy Daigle <[email protected]> USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 23:39:20 (EDT)
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